Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Huge story unfolding at Warwick
by Crazyguy inits been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
Brokeback Watchtower
The Watchtower Corporation new business model: buy land that is/was toxic dump site around the world and clean them up before armageddon? -
Someone in the Watchtower writing department has a promising career in comedy.
by Island Man in"as servants of jehovah, we are not among those who are misled.
we know that the devil is real, for it was satan who spoke to eve through a serpent.
" - watchtower, may 15, 2015, page 15, #3.. someone should do a meme depicting a nutter/paranoid/delusional character saying this.
Brokeback Watchtower
Man with all the proof how could they not know he exist and not just an imaginary being to be Jehovah's shadowy enemy responsible for all Jehovah's troubles and the projection of his own denial. -
Huge story unfolding at Warwick
by Crazyguy inits been mentioned before that warwick is a toxic dump and now the jw's are suing a former owner for compensation.
well this is huge on so many levels.
one they new it was contaminated back a few years ago so why move your headquarters there?
Brokeback Watchtower
It looks like they are buying up property in a rush just so they can start making structures that will be for sale in the future when they need the cash. Looks like the Watchtower's stand on higher education is biting them in the ass as the corporation gets to be run by morons who hate education because they are willfully blind and in denial of unpleasant facts of reality and life.
Evolution and Man Where are We Going?
by D wiltshire inevolution and man where are we going?.
i feel evolution is still happening to man not so observable.
in his physical appearance but very outstandingly in the brain.. here's an observation of mine, and others: first let me quote amazing records strongly suggest that civilization goes back over 10,000 years.
Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwith all this talk about selling existing kingdom halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts.
massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.. it looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.. are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure i suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations kingdom halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.. with a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the wt corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past..
Brokeback Watchtower
It's even getting harder give this worthless printed shit away! Nobody in their right mind wants to buy into their crap only desperate people with seemingly no were else to turn and you can't get $blood$ out of a turnip.This Governing Body is whipped. They are in a dying propaganda business trying to cash in on all hidden assets to stay afloat. Jehovah's Chariot is running out of $gas$ and parked in a tow away zone. -
The new Governing Body is liberal. they are really freeminders!
by rege brazzy indear friends, your posts are very good, but we really think that they will change many things soon...for example.
watch tower now are feminist and they protect the gay cause.soon we will have many gay marriages in kingdom will see.that governing body is really cool.ted jaracz and john barr were the last puritans in the governing body!.
the current governing body is completely liberal, but as yet has some bethelites the old guard working, they are still holding some behaviors .... but very soon you will see ... even in my congregation is very liberal ... not here disassociates for immorality .. just for apostasy ... i fucked three sister, but the elders did not shunned me, but they only help me!
Brokeback Watchtower
Did some mention Judas Priest?
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Brokeback Watchtower
Denial/willfull blindness is a bitch:
Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwith all this talk about selling existing kingdom halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts.
massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.. it looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.. are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure i suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations kingdom halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.. with a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the wt corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past..
Brokeback Watchtower
Millie, I think they have been operating at a loss for years and no doubt the internet has further dried up some resources in the form of will full contributions. I think the extreme measures they are taking now is an effort at making up the losses of previous years. Because they are in such denial they can not fully grasp the situation they are in nor can they admit it publicly.
I think they are in the throws of a mass sell off that is just beginning.
Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwith all this talk about selling existing kingdom halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts.
massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.. it looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.. are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure i suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations kingdom halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.. with a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the wt corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past..
Brokeback Watchtower
Either consciously or unconsciously-(due to a huge shadow bursting at the seams with denial), I think things are in the works for some type of major cannibalization/liquidation of assets. I suppose with all these other sister corporations the WT has spawned might be of some use in the transference of funds shell game on paper(to keep it legal and all). Anyway I would love to be a fly on the wall at one of their business meetings to find out better yet would be a whistle blower going public and under protection of the feds(with all that compartmentalization going on in their thinking they are bound to screw up big time, due to limited choices and pressure to survive while in a delusional state of mind).
In law and business, liquidation is the process by which a company (or part of a company) is brought to an end, and the assets and property of the company are redistributed. Liquidation is also sometimes referred to as winding-up or dissolution, although dissolution technically refers to the last stage of liquidation. The process of liquidation also arises when customs, an authority or agency in a countryresponsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties, determines the final computation or ascertainment of the duties or drawback accruing on an entry.[1]
Liquidation may either be compulsory (sometimes referred to as a creditors' liquidation) or voluntary (sometimes referred to as ashareholders' liquidation, although some voluntary liquidations are controlled by the creditors, see below). -
Is The Watchtower Corporation Getting Ready For A Huge International Fire Sale?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwith all this talk about selling existing kingdom halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts.
massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.. it looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.. are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure i suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations kingdom halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.. with a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the wt corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past..
Brokeback Watchtower
With all this talk about selling existing Kingdom Halls and robbing the congregations of savings accounts. Massive relocation of headquarters selling over a billion in prime real estate, gobbling up property and getting all the free labor they can from the rank and file slaves to fix up these properties and donate more and more money to cover the cost.
It looks like they are in the process of some type cannibalization of its self in an effort of self preservation.
Are we on the cusps of a giant fire sale as the lawsuits pile up and build pressure I suspect things will get far worse leaving many congregations Kingdom Halless and traveling greater distances just to make a meeting every once and a while when they have enough gas money.
With a royal charities commission inquiry into inappropriate conduct of the WT corporation and loss of charity status and the eventual loss of such operational status in one country after another things are looking very bleak for this end of the world Jehovah scam cult with it 1914,1975,2000, expiration dates long past.